Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Coding in Anger

The most skilled senior developer I worked with when I was still a pretty junior developer had a couple stock phrases that I think ended up teaching me a lot about the right way to write code. One of those phrases was "coding in anger."

When he was asked to give his opinion on a new tool or library, he would often say, "I don't know yet. I've just played with it for a couple days, but I haven't really used it in anger yet."

This, to me, is one of the most fundamentally human lessons of programming. Good patterns are the ones you reach for when you are exasperated with your code base. Good libraries are the ones you reach for when you are infuriated with the extant solution to a particular problem. You learn to write code well by writing it in anger.

Your code ends up being personal, opinionated, and judgmental.

If you are not putting your personality and your judgment into your code, you haven't figured out what you're doing yet. When I'm working in a codebase that has been maintained by a small enough team that was maintained by a bunch of bad developers, I can sometimes infer who did what without looking at git history just by the smell. But this is an artifact of small team size.

Oh, this query is pointlessly and inefficiently over-complicated and uses CTEs everywhere instead of temp tables even though temp tables are much more efficient in this case. I know who wrote it. But that only works if I'm on a team with only one bad developer whose form of badness is taking pride in making things pointlessly overcomplicated. If there are two or more of them, they feed off each other in their attempts to write ever more  elaborate code.

There are about eight approaches to bad development that I've seen.

1) The person who only knows the minimum set of knowledge required to write something, who turns every screw into a nail because the hammer is the only tool they have in their toolbelt.
2) The person who uses the most elaborate technique possible to solve anything to prove that they know esoteric things even when those things are completely irrelevant and even counterproductive to the problem at hand.
3) The person who experiments with a different library every project.
4) The person who just doesn't care and takes no pride in anything and has no consistency. They might mix different forms of capitalization for things that aren't case sensitive (SQL, yuck!) or mix tabs and spaces or put no thought into where their line breaks are supposed to go, and have no consistency of whether they put the operators at the start of the new line or the end of the old one. etc. 
5) The person who actually can't code and just does crazy stuff by trial and error until it works.
6) The person who thinks verbose, defensive code is optimal and writes as many try/catch statements as possible and includes extra branches in their code that end up doing the same thing just to prove that they considered that branch too.
7) The person who copies and pastes spaghetti code from elsewhere in the repository and strings it out further instead of integrating anything.
8) The person who constantly googles everything and copy-pastes from stack overflow.

When there are two or more people on a team who do any one of these things, everything gets worse at a rate that scales superlinearly with the number of problem children, and it becomes impossible to tell who wrote what. All of these different approaches illustrate a lack of opinion about what good code looks like. The code that reflects the personality rather than the values of the author.

In contrast, when you are working with a really good developer, and you read code that only they wrote, you know exactly who wrote it, and you feel judged for not writing all of your code the same way they write theirs. There are forms of consistency you didn't realize could exist. All classes are always instantiated by passing in arguments as kwargs, and functions and methods besides constructors are always invoked by passing in any arguments that can be passed in positionally, positionally. You eventually realize that there's a reason for this pattern, and unless you have a similarly esoteric pattern that is equally well-thought out, you adopt it. There's partial convergence among good developers, but they all come with their own opinions too.

There are only so many personalities, but there are endlessly many different sets of values.

As long as two or more really good developers are on the same team working closely together, they are able to negotiate a truce. They stake out their respective hills to die on, and they figure out where and how they can agree to disagree, and they assert themselves in the places where no one else has defined a standard.

One says metaclasses are good and codegen is bad. The other says the opposite. The compromise is that neither metaclasses nor codegen will be used because they both think that this is a hill to die on. They have different opinions about how linebreaks should be handled in a function's signature, and they each write it their own way because it's ultimately not that important. (But, if one of them has to take over the other's code and become the primary maintainer, the line breaks get changed every time a function's signature needs to be updated, until finally all the remaining functions also need to have their line breaks updated "for consistency.")

When they cease working closely together, they become rivals. Their code diverges in ways that make them disapprove of each other's approach.

This is just what happens because they are both opinionated and both write code in anger. And it's fine. Actually, it's good. This is what's supposed to happen. It helps them keep a clean separation between their duties. Neither of them want to touch the other's code base anymore, and if they are going to collaborate with another new developer, they will find someone junior and impressionable who has a lot of raw talent but hasn't figured out that good developers code in anger yet, and life goes on with each team developing its own culture and its own ways. It motivates them to write better code to prove that their approach is the superior approach.

The same thing happens in music. Collaborators can come together and form their own style. Bands can sound like they belong together. The Beatles and The Velvet Underground both always sounded like coherent bands. But when Paul McCartney goes off and does his own thing and John Lennon does his own thing, there's no common ground between them anymore. Same thing with John Cale and Lou Reed. They might get back together for a concert in Central Park and find that they can recreate the magic they once shared for one night, or they might be able to set aside their difference permanently for the sake of collaboration. Most likely, they've become too unique though, at this point.

There's a widespread notion that goodness converges, and all the really smart people will find common ground they can agree on if they get together. But that's not what really happens. Goodness diverges and all the really smart people define their own world with its own culture where the set of practices only make sense in light of all the other practices.

Some of their disagreements stem from their choice of editor. Some of their disagreements stem from their preferred line width. Some of their disagreements come from the patterns of the languages that they use on the side to solve the problems that for whatever reason, their primarily language isn't particularly well-suited to address. Etc. And this whole ecosystem with all of its difference keeps growing and keeps diverging.

And this is good. This is what's supposed to happen. This creates the kind of diversity or opinion and skillset that is actually valuable instead of the arbitrary divisions created by pointless separations of duties.

So go forth, and code in anger.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bureaucracy Considered Harmful

Okay, I’ve written this essay a hundred times.

It’s always true. It’s always necessary.

Sometimes, I get stuck. Writers talk about writer’s block. I’m not a writer. I don’t get that, not in the normal course of life.

I’m an engineer. I get engineer’s block.

The solution is always to do something, to do anything. For me, the solution is usually writing.

I need to write something. To put words on a page, to get used to making progress on something again without feeling constantly overwhelmed by the approach of obstacles.

By bureaucracy and its hideous head.

I hate paperwork, and I hate testing (not unit testing manual testing), and those are the two rewards for completing the work that’s assigned to me.

This is my problem.

I’m sure that this is what causes me to get blocked.

What I need to do to overcome it is to do work that goes unpunished.

I want to write code, really I do. But I also really, really don’t. I’ve developed a resistance to the idea. A mind block, maybe even a phobia.

I bet the writers who get the worst writer’s block are the ones who dislike editing.

When work is its own punishment, you develop an aversion to doing it.

I like writing. I like editing. I'm afraid of publishing, sharing, having a world that can in principal respond. Trying to publish and thinking about publishing are the things that have given me writer’s block in the past. (I finally got over this about three weeks ago, I think and hope.)

JIRA tickets give me engineer’s block.

Sometimes, I want to get buried in a project and not come up for air for a month or two. Always, I want that. There is some semblance of peace in that, some escape from drudgery.

Instead I have to edit JIRA tickets constantly, go through the experience of annoying a coworker until he or she finally reviews my code, and then do a bunch of manual testing every couple of days as soon as I finish a little project, and I hate it. I detest it. I feel like I’m suffocating.

Come up for air is a strange analogy. I think I’m a fish and writing code is my water, and every time I finish a project I get dragged back up onto the boat. I just wish I could just write code and never finish projects.

Actually, I don't wish that. I just wish the release process wasn't so horrible, and I could go back to working in a code base that relies on unit tests instead of manual processes for quality control.

Test Your Public API

The thing that I've encountered a software developer which people are least likely to do that they should do is write good tests.

I've worked on several code bases that had no tests when I started working in them, and the ones that had tests usually had bad tests. Bad tests differ from good tests in many ways, but the one that I want to focus on today is the layer of abstraction being tested.

Bad tests test implementation details. Good tests test your API.

The implementation details should be expected to change and evolve constantly throughout the lifecycle of a project. By the time a project is delivered, the API should be stable. Good unit tests assert that stable things remain stable. Bad unit tests assert that nothing is changing.

Your public API is the part of you code that you expect users to use invoked the way you expect user to invoke it. If your code is a script, your API is the shell command to run that script. You test it by running the script. If your code is a web service, your API is the collection of webhooks that your service provides. And you test them by making HTTP requests against them. You spin up the service in the setup of your unit tests and you shut down the service in the tear down for your unit tests.

I do most of my coding in python, and I am use it for both the service and the clients, if I am writing a web service. But in principle there is no reason this can't be done for everything. A few languages are much better suited for one piece of this than another. But you can still test them the same way. As discussed above, you can shell out as part of running unit tests. As such, there's no reason that you can't write a service in one language and test it using a different language.

Isn't this integration testing?

No, it's not. Integration testing is testing that all of your code works together the way that it's supposed to work together and that it properly integrates with third party APIs. What makes it unit testing is that you mock out everything that isn't specifically what that API is doing to ensure that each individual component of your API works as intended when isolated.

But, but, (someone says), you can't mock out the things you need to mock out and properly isolate your tests if you shell out to it as a script.

Yes, you can.

It's not hard to let your scripts mock out what they need to mock out. The can accept an argument called --mock-context that takes two additional args, one to specify the module from which the mock context is imported, and a second to specify the name of the context manager in that mock context that you are using to isolate this test.

Mocking is beautifully supported in Python. I know other languages don't support it quite as well, but the concept still exists everywhere. It's just harder to use in some languages than others. Unit testing is testing where you've isolated each individual thing you are delivering and are testing it in isolation; in Python, the primary things that separate unit testing from integration testing is that you use mock extensively in unit testing, and unit tests run quickly. Integration tests run something end-to-end and make sure that your code continues to integrate with the rest of your stack correctly. Integration tests end up having to run for however long they have to run, which is often a long time.

But, but, (someone says), it's bad practice to insert things into your public API that only exist for testing.

I disagree, but that's a topic for another day. However, you don't have to add support for these command line arguments part to your public API.

You can define the script as a class and subclass it, so that it accepts the one additional argument it needs. Then you can point explicitly to that script. Unit tests are still supposed to be testing individual features in isolation, so a unit test that is testing that the scripts properly get installed should just be testing installation. As long as you aren't implicitly testing installation as part of the script, you should be able to subclass it to take whatever additional testing-specific arguments it needs.

(Again this is easy to do in Python. It's harder in a lot of other languages, but it's still doable in most languages I've used.)

I don't consider this ideal, but it is good enough. (I like having the ability to mock on the fly. I think it makes it easy to test all sort of things. The --mock-context you pass in as I described it doesn't have to be part of the given library. It can be used to test subbing out one backend for another pretty easily. Not a good long term solution, but mock is also useful for testing out proof of concepts, not just for unit testing. Suddenly your script is a lot more flexible than it was originally intended to be. Is v2 supposed to be backwards compatible? Don't update the client code just yet. Just spin up v2 and run the script that runs client code mocked out to hit the v2 API instead of v1.)

By the way, a unit test of installation of a script ensures that it can output its version when asked to do so, and that the version it outputs is the one that was just installed. A side effect of good unit testing is that you end up writing scripts correctly.

The help message that your script outputs should almost certainly be considered part of its public API.

That said, you should only be testing that the stable portion of the API remains stable. Since you write your scripts as well-factored classes, you often add features through mixins that the scripts you actually use inherit from. You don't want to have to update every test that tests the help message of every script that inherits from it every time you add a new feature to one of these mixins.

Your unit tests should not ensure that no new features are added, only that no existing features are broken or deleted. Testing your help message should ensure that all of the lines that you expect to see in the help message are printed in the help message, and whenever order matters, they are printed in the appropriate order.

Since all good code is self-documenting, your web service auto-generates its own documentation just like your scripts generate their own help text, and you test this too.

If your public API is just a class, then the self-documentation is the code itself because the only people who need to be able to read the documentation already know how to program in your programming language, so they don't need the behavior translated. Where necessary, you still have comments in the code to help other programmers understand how to use these classes. The comments typically point them towards your unit tests where you are using them to assert that they behave as expected.

I've mostly been focused on testing the public API as a form of ensuring that the stable part of your code remains stable, but there are other advantages.

It expands your coverage to actually test everything that's important. Bugs anywhere can be catastrophic. Bugs in an argument parser can be catastrophic. I've seen a lot of projects where the different between a script having major side effects, and having the script just print output without doing anything was entirely determined by whether or not someone passed in an argument named --dry, or something similar. I've seen these scripts used to test scenarios that were not real and that under no circumstance should have been treated as real. What happens if everything in the code works exactly as intended except there's a typo in the argument parser. Do you know the difference between how python's argparse treats action="store_true" and action="store-true"? I don't know if this is still the case, but "store-true" used to just be ignored. It didn't raise an error telling you it was an invalid action. It just was silently ignored. You can do a lot of damage very quickly if the only bug in your code is that hyphen. I've also written bugs where I got confused and made an argument "store_true" when I really wanted it to be "store_false" or vice versa. This can all be catastrophic, and it's not necessarily the case that these things would get caught. The existence of a script to expose functionality is sometimes an afterthought. Sometimes, the code is thoroughly tested in its integration with something else, and the script is just pieced onto it. (This might sound like I've been burned, and I'm trying to make excuses. The opposite is actually the case. I've never caused a catastrophic failure. I have from time to time said, "Oh, thank goodness I wrote that test," or "Thank goodness I decided that I needed to check one more thing before pushing this commit," because I was working in a codebase with woefully inadequate test coverage.)

There are still more benefits to good testing. If you test at the right abstraction layer, you are ensuring that the code you deliver is usable. If you write automated tests to hit each part of your API and test the functionality of each thing in isolation, you are eating your own dog food. It's one of the easiest ways to eat your own dog food, and one of the ways that gives you the most immediate returns. If you find the tests frustrating to write, your users will find the API frustrating to use.

 I could give several more reasons, but I've covered the major ones, and I think this is enough reasons to say that unit tests should be testing your public API.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Language-independent programming (Part 1; the basic motivation)

I have been gradually coming to believe that one of the biggest problems with programming is that code lives in text files that are written in a particular programming language, and that programmers directly manipulate these text files.

The improved alternative that I would like to propose is for code to live in abstract trees with reverse-compilation hints that allow it to reverse-compile differently depending on context.

Let me give you a little bit of motivation for this idea.

Let's say I'm building a complicated object for an end-user to manipulate and interact with via a computer, and I want be able to improve my end users experience of interacting with this object over time. For example, let's say I've created a computer game. If I were to write a computer game, I wouldn't give my users tools to directly modify the files that their computer stores to keep track of their progress and let them quit the game and reload it later. Instead, I would give the user the ability to play the game, and I would write utilities to allow the user to save the game... i.e. to abstract from the game state sufficient information that the program I wrote could recreate the game-state that the user had reached the next time the user loads the game.

This process of saving an abstraction of what the user was interacting with and then converting that abstraction back into game state later allows the game creators a lot more freedom to update the game. Let's say a particular gun is overpowered and the game creators decide that they need to nurf that gun to make the game more fair. Since the saved game-state only has a reference to that gun rather than a full description of that gun, the programmers only need to update the game, and they don't have to update the saved file at all.

Now, switch over to programming languages. Let's say I wrote a programming language in which I had statements like 'print' or 'exec' that were a little bit different from functions, mostly with regard to their syntax but that otherwise behaved a lot like functions. Let's say that after twenty years of developing this language, I decided that having these things be statements instead of functions was a bad idea for several reasons, both in terms of the way the language internally distinguishes between functions and statements (statements cannot be overridden with an alternative implementation but functions can), and how the syntax works. It's a bit clunky to have these particular concepts be key words or to have them have different syntax rules from functions.

Now, I want to release an update to the programming language, but I really can't do it because doing so would involve requiring people who have been using the language for the past twenty years to change a whole bunch of files that use syntax that is no longer consistent with what the update would require, so instead I create a backwards-incompatible update and cease to actively update the old programming language and cause there to be a great schism between code compatible with the old way of doing things and code compatible with the new way of doing things.

It's a step forward, but it isn't a very tidy one.

It would be a lot nicer if instead of having to update these files, we could just have them reverse-compile to the appropriate syntax when we decided that the change needed to be made. (And forward compile to behaving like functions instead of behaving like statements. To satisfy both constraints we would need something that is not truly compiled, but capable of compiling in either direction.)

Now, let's consider a second point: programmer preference.

Let's say I really don't like programs to have more than four spaces worth of indentation per line, and in fact I prefer two. My coworker would rather have eight spaces worth of indentation, and he would rather have that spaces-worth of indentation be encoded in tabs than in spaces (we're working in a language that doesn't really care which one we use). So we pick one of our preferences and stick to it, but both of us are working on other projects that we code according to our own preferences, so we occasionally get confused and write code that mixes the two.

Again, it would be a lot nicer if somehow we had the code stored in a way that would cause it to be written back to us in a manner consistent with our preferences instead of a way that forced us to look at the same file of text even though we would both rather that it be formatted in different ways from each other.

For an even stronger disagreement of preferences, we use different editors. In my co-workers editor having 100 characters to a line makes a ton of sense, but in mine, it's best to keep it to 80. Again, the same thing.

We can go even further. After we start working on this project, I realize that having
3+5 * 4
makes a whole lot more sense to me than having it represent
and that furthermore, I find this representation to be significantly more readable to me than
(3+5) * 4
(3 + 5) * 4
My co-worker is a purist who wants to keep the traditional interpretation of parentheses and thinks that that having whitespace sensitivity for that sort of thing in a programming language is a BAD idea.

So I install a module that lets me represent the code the way I want it represented, and he leaves it set up the default way.

And all of this is just the beginning of what you could begin to do differently (and better) if you found a way to store code in something abstract with guidance for how to be reverse-compile back to what the programmer wanted.

If you were going to build this system you would start by doing something that doesn't do too much in the way of producing abstractions, but you could systematically build out and maintain this sort of system much more easily than you can systematically build out and maintain the sorts of things that people currently write.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

lang: Part 0, the motivation

[Another old post I didn't want to delete. It's mostly tongue-in-cheek. I don't stand by what it says.]

Let's design a programming language. Do let's!

Actually, let's not. Instead let's try to describe lang.

lang, as its name suggests, is a programming language that seeks to incorporate as little originality as possible. The goal is to avoid designing it so that no one will ever have to learn it.

The designers of Go said they would know they'd done something wrong if printf was magic. I think that that's admirable, but it's also original, so it's not what we're going for. In lang, we know we've messed up if we finish it and some piece of it seems brilliant, cute, or original.

Hmm... actually, in lang we've messed up if we have to write any official documentation. It should all be unofficial and casual. Besides, we are intending that no one will have to learn lang.

It's 2013, so lang will be object-oriented. At this point, what could possibly be less original than yet another object-oriented programming language?

So what sort of object-oriented language is lang? Obviously, it's inspired by C, really there aren't other options when we are trying to avoid being original, but explicitly typed languages are so disco-era. Retro is a form of self-expression, and we want lang to just blend in. So it shouldn't be explicitly typed, not in 2013. So let's plan, for now, to go with dynamic typing.

So now we're heading into the territory between Python and C. Do we go with elif or else if?

Going with either would be making a decision, so let's go with both. In lang, the statement else if is the same as the statement elif. Is that cute? Personally, I think it seems lazy and tacky, which is about as far from cute as you can possibly get. So it tentatively gets my stamp of approval. (Also, as someone who switches back and forth between Python and C family languages on a regular basis, I mess this up more than I should, and I always get worried that someone might be looking over my shoulder thinking, "Does this guy seriously not know how to write conditional statements in a programming language he uses pretty much every day?" So lang just won't have that problem.)

There are occasions when somebody just gets something right. Guido van Rossum got white space right, really right, except for allowing tabs. At least, he got it exactly right for functions.  I think the forced correlation between visual layout and logical layout is very nice especially given that the correlation is a matter of conventional redundancy for programming in most languages. I don't like writing redundantly when I'm programming. I've also quite fond of how it handles semicolons. Line breaks should mean something, but occasionally, there are reasons that line-breaking is stylistically undesirable -- or simply inconvenient. I mostly use semicolons in the interpreter when I'm editing a file. I type something like:

>>> reload(Module); c = Module.Class(stuff); c.dothathingimdebugging()

All in all, Python's handling of white space leaves almost nothing to be desired. I just occasionally wish that I didn't have to nest all of my sub-declarations, especially when I have a class with a function that produces classes, something I've only done once, because it made something that seemed complicated at first much easier. I forget what it was. So let's treat C-style brackets like C-style semicolons. Something like

class Class {
x = 30

y = 45

def function(self):

    if y > x:
        return 'well this is a dumb example'


is perfectly valid code in lang.

I also wouldn't mind at all if the colons became optional. Something primarily used like the semicolon for one liners, but that don't break anything when they are included. They simply are not strictly necessary. Getting a text editor to do smart auto-formatting might be slightly harder, but we do have a list of relevant keywords: if, for, else, elif, else if, def, class, while, try, except, switch, case, etc. (Yes, we are picking up case and switch from C.)

For the sake of consistency, let's revisit our type system. Dynamic typing is nice, but it shouldn't preempt the possibility of explicit static typing. So in lang, we permit

int x = 15

This creates x, a statically typed int. Obviously, the goal of static typing is not just to produce new compiler errors, and force you to recast your variables before passing them into functions. A better purpose might be for the static type to take the form of an inline unit test... but never mind that would be original. More compiler errors it is!

[Now, if I could remember what I was trying to parody (Was it Ruby?), I might be able to complete the post, but I don't remember that anymore well enough to maintain a consistent trail of sarcasm...]


[This is another unpublished old post that I decided to edit, finish, and post instead of delete.]

Every project will rapidly build up complexity until it reaches the point where the most skilled developer working on the project routinely finds his work somewhat challenging.

Human's thrive when they are working on problems that are challenging but solvable. Read virtually any book about design from the last twenty years, and it will tell you that the flow state is real and that it matters. The flow state is the state in which people are most productive and happiest to be working. They achieve it only when they are working on something that challenges them.

What happens naturally when people are maintaining code is that the most adept programmer tends to have the biggest individual impact on the codebase. Others may have equally or more drastic impact on the overall project by introducing problems that everyone has to spend time cleaning up or by setting the tone for some piece of the project that ends up becoming a central piece, but in the average day, the smartest developer is probably the one writing the most lines that are being kept and the one doing most of the prototyping, factoring, and refactoring that create the context in which everyone else is doing their work. S/he won't slow down until s/he finds the complexity challenging, and in in fact her/his subjective evaluation of the quality of the codebase will be that it is improving with each increase in complexity until s/he begins to find managing the code somewhat challenging.

Not all challenges are the same. Witty Haskell-style one liners that showcase clever tricks are a very different kind of challenge than the kind of challenge that gets created by a nebulous distributed cloud of little intricacies and corrections that have to do pieces of code separated by 30 lines of other code interacting with each other. The witty one-liners are a lot less time-consuming to debug and maintain even though they pose a few skull scratching challenges when people look at them and try to figure out what makes them work.

If it is true that the complexity in the codebase is going to climb to some limit either way, it's much better to have complicated lines of code than it is to have complicated patterns of interaction between different lines of code. So you want to keep your codebase full of pithy one liners.

productive vs consumer ui

[This is an old unpublished post that I decided I would rather post than delete.]

tldr: The concept of "good UI" is too narrow. People want to develop optimal UI should distinguish between "good UI to optimize productivity for power users" and "good UI to maximize curbside appeal and minimize learning curve for entry users." Since these two concepts are inherently opposes, a product cannot be both. If you want to compete in a relatively empty space, design for power users, since most people design for curb-side appeal. (Designing for power users isn't creating feature bloat, it's minimizing the amount of time required to complete certain routine tasks for people who bother to learn the shortcuts. vim and emacs are the only two programs I know of that were truly built for power users.)

The greatest strides in technological improvement are those that improve productivity. Individual companies make and lose temporary fortunes with changes to consumer experience, but in the long run, these changes are inconsequential. Having the world's flashiest interface today does not necessarily make it any easier to have the world's flashiest interface tomorrow — especially for a company that consumes its own products.

Interfaces that look nice, frequently do so at the cost of efficiency. Animations between screens take time, not just the imaginary time that my computer uses, its clock cycles that are mostly spent idle anyways. But my time, the time you and I spend sitting at our desks waiting for our computer to let us implement the things we are thinking about implementing. The mouse was a great step forward for consumer UI. For many applications, it's point and click functionality was also a step forward in productivity. But for many other purposes it was a step backwards. It is simply true that you can work more quickly if you can leave your hands in place than if you have to move them between the keyboard and the mouse.

Hence, I take Vim as my example of the greatest achievement in productive UI. It has a huge learning curve, but it pays handsomely for the effort that the user takes to learn it. Firstly, it serves as practically the only example of a productive interface that has seen several radical improvements and rebirths. ed begat vi begat Vim. With each of these changes, the scope of the tool increased radically, and with the scope, so too did the amount that the user had to learn to take full advantage of the program.

Consumer UIs tend to move in the opposite direction. The manual shrinks away to nothing over time. Both trends make sense, and learning to contribute to the continuation of both trends is certainly worthwhile. They both make sense in their own context. Those who expect to use a program regularly for the next ten or twenty years can afford to spend a few hours a day for several months or even years learning how to take advantage of the features available in that program. Whereas, consumers typically want to pull up a product and have it work instantly. Very often, they have no plans to stick with that particular product long into the future. Its instantaneous accessibility is what brings in new users, and its inability to offer more efficient use with practice is not really a defect because nobody wants to put the practice into learning how to use the product efficiently.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how well you can position yourself to seize the opportunity the situation presents), trends in optimizing for consumers tend to infect the practices of developing for productivity. People who aren't thinking attentively are likely to evaluate a productivity tool based on its consumer appeal even though that appeal is often inversely corilated with increased productivity. IDEs are almost always too GUI.

[When I originally wrote the post two years ago, I had rants about Xcode here. I haven't used Xcode in a long time, so I have no idea if those complaints still apply.]