Thursday, April 2, 2015

lang: Part 0, the motivation

[Another old post I didn't want to delete. It's mostly tongue-in-cheek. I don't stand by what it says.]

Let's design a programming language. Do let's!

Actually, let's not. Instead let's try to describe lang.

lang, as its name suggests, is a programming language that seeks to incorporate as little originality as possible. The goal is to avoid designing it so that no one will ever have to learn it.

The designers of Go said they would know they'd done something wrong if printf was magic. I think that that's admirable, but it's also original, so it's not what we're going for. In lang, we know we've messed up if we finish it and some piece of it seems brilliant, cute, or original.

Hmm... actually, in lang we've messed up if we have to write any official documentation. It should all be unofficial and casual. Besides, we are intending that no one will have to learn lang.

It's 2013, so lang will be object-oriented. At this point, what could possibly be less original than yet another object-oriented programming language?

So what sort of object-oriented language is lang? Obviously, it's inspired by C, really there aren't other options when we are trying to avoid being original, but explicitly typed languages are so disco-era. Retro is a form of self-expression, and we want lang to just blend in. So it shouldn't be explicitly typed, not in 2013. So let's plan, for now, to go with dynamic typing.

So now we're heading into the territory between Python and C. Do we go with elif or else if?

Going with either would be making a decision, so let's go with both. In lang, the statement else if is the same as the statement elif. Is that cute? Personally, I think it seems lazy and tacky, which is about as far from cute as you can possibly get. So it tentatively gets my stamp of approval. (Also, as someone who switches back and forth between Python and C family languages on a regular basis, I mess this up more than I should, and I always get worried that someone might be looking over my shoulder thinking, "Does this guy seriously not know how to write conditional statements in a programming language he uses pretty much every day?" So lang just won't have that problem.)

There are occasions when somebody just gets something right. Guido van Rossum got white space right, really right, except for allowing tabs. At least, he got it exactly right for functions.  I think the forced correlation between visual layout and logical layout is very nice especially given that the correlation is a matter of conventional redundancy for programming in most languages. I don't like writing redundantly when I'm programming. I've also quite fond of how it handles semicolons. Line breaks should mean something, but occasionally, there are reasons that line-breaking is stylistically undesirable -- or simply inconvenient. I mostly use semicolons in the interpreter when I'm editing a file. I type something like:

>>> reload(Module); c = Module.Class(stuff); c.dothathingimdebugging()

All in all, Python's handling of white space leaves almost nothing to be desired. I just occasionally wish that I didn't have to nest all of my sub-declarations, especially when I have a class with a function that produces classes, something I've only done once, because it made something that seemed complicated at first much easier. I forget what it was. So let's treat C-style brackets like C-style semicolons. Something like

class Class {
x = 30

y = 45

def function(self):

    if y > x:
        return 'well this is a dumb example'


is perfectly valid code in lang.

I also wouldn't mind at all if the colons became optional. Something primarily used like the semicolon for one liners, but that don't break anything when they are included. They simply are not strictly necessary. Getting a text editor to do smart auto-formatting might be slightly harder, but we do have a list of relevant keywords: if, for, else, elif, else if, def, class, while, try, except, switch, case, etc. (Yes, we are picking up case and switch from C.)

For the sake of consistency, let's revisit our type system. Dynamic typing is nice, but it shouldn't preempt the possibility of explicit static typing. So in lang, we permit

int x = 15

This creates x, a statically typed int. Obviously, the goal of static typing is not just to produce new compiler errors, and force you to recast your variables before passing them into functions. A better purpose might be for the static type to take the form of an inline unit test... but never mind that would be original. More compiler errors it is!

[Now, if I could remember what I was trying to parody (Was it Ruby?), I might be able to complete the post, but I don't remember that anymore well enough to maintain a consistent trail of sarcasm...]

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